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Lieutenant Harry Kim

Harry is an only child, born in South Carolina. His parents are very devoted and he always called them at least once a week, even during Starfleet training missions. Although they had absolutely no musical talent, Harry was encouraged to play the clarinet. He became quite good and played in the Juliard Youth Symphony. Harry had recalled being cared for by his mother when he developed Mendakan pox at age nine and even claims to remember his mother's womb from before he was born. When Voyager received letters from the Alpha Quadrant, Harry was delighted to have gotten a letter from his parents. From an early age he knew he was going into Starfleet and spent his whole life getting ready for it.

After being accepted to Starfleet Academy, Harry became editor of the Academy newspaper for a year. He wrote an editorial of the first Maquis activity against the Cardassians that caused a controversy among the cadets. One of his biggest challenges at the Academy was getting through fourth year quantum chemistry. Harry graduated on Stardate 47918 and was promoted to his current rank of ensign. He was assigned for his first mission to the operations division on the USS Voyager. His high level of intelligence compensated for his youth and lack of practical experience.
Harry's main responsibility as head of the Ops division is to manage the power allocation for the ship, taking the power that engineering is able to supply and routing it to the needed functions, such as replicators, transporters, lights, and sensor arrays. He monitors all space communications frequencies and inputs status alerts of the ship's situation to update the other divisions. His duties often require him to help in Engineering with repairs and he has assisted in creating an astrometrics department for Voyager.

Harry is true sports aficionado, enjoying tennis, parrises squares, and most of all volleyball. "Sport program theta 2" is one of his favorite holodeck programs, which are the female characters from the gold medal winning volleyball team of 2216. Harry has also been known to play hoverball and golf with Tom and Ensign Kaplan. The only sport he seems to dislike is hydro sailing.
He saved up replicator rations to make a clarinet, which he practices frequently, to the dismay of his neighbor Ensign Baytart. One of his greatest struggles is hitting the G-sharp in the Mozart concerto. He sometimes joins Susan Nicoletti with her oboe. For Neelix's talent night Harry played a clarinet solo.
He enjoys Neelix's pleeka rind casserole, even asking for leftovers for breakfast and one of his favourite drinks is Vulcan mocha extra sweet. Harry's quarters are on deck six, door 105-2. He always sleeps with an eye mask on, a throwback from his academy days when he shared quarters with a night owl.
Tuvok has been teaching Harry the Vulcan game Kal-toh, and although he has come close he never has beaten Tuvok. Harry has also been learning Borg alphanumeric code. He and Tom once played a practical joke on Tuvok causing his security console and replicator to repeatedly say "Live long and prosper". Tom and Harry enjoy playing pool at Sandrine's. According to Tom, Harry is an expert in the technology of holo-engineering and once attempted to make an EMH program.
From the moment they met, Harry and Tom were best friends. Harry also became a close friend of B'Elanna, who occasionally calls him "Starfleet". Everyone is friendly with Harry; his natural wholesomeness is a beacon. He even broke ranks to be the first to ask Kathryn to join the crew at Sandrine's, although it was against protocol.

Harry left his girlfriend Libby behind when Voyager was swept far away to the Delta Quadrantrant. The two met at a Ktarian music festival when he was sitting in her seat. He remained hopeful of returning to her for quite a while, but eventually decided to date other women. Tom arranged a double date with the Delaney sisters and Harry spent the time with Jenny Delaney. He has been interested in Eudana from Sikaris and with Jessen an Enaran. Harry once had a crush on Marayna, a character from the resort holodeck program. Tuvok helped Harry to deconstruct his emotions toward her, but found himself being interested in Marayna as well. Marayna turned out to be controlled by an alien source. Currently Harry is interested in Seven of Nine. On two occasions Seven has smacked Harry around, once when she was still Borg and wanted to contact the Collective and another time when she was trying to cause a diversion. Despite that, Harry has found himself dreaming of her and going out of his way to be near her. Seven doesn't seem to emotionally understand Harry's feelings, but has noticed his physical interest in her and at this time it seems to be one-sided.
Harry has matured from the almost florescent green straight-from-the-Academy ensign to become a seasoned, experienced, and respected Starfleet officer. His recent realization of that has made him decide to act bolder on the job…finally.